Thursday, December 20, 2007

Reflections on laziness

Isn’t my life and that of my family pretty important? Is this a question I really need to ask? The answer to both of these is, yes. I have been thinking lately, about life, and what I will be in the future. To set some ground work, I will tell you what I am now, lazy. Yep, I am really lazy. I need lots of motivation and direction to do just about anything, unless it is something for me and I have a passion for. Why don’t you just find things or more things you are passionate about? Great question and I think I am trying to answer that right now. I have been pressing more and more into specific areas that I am interested in. Why specifics? You see, I am a man of many talents. A Jack of all trades, so to say. I am good at too many things I try and I try too many things. This creates a problem, in that I get bored or have too many things to do and never truly master anything. I am good at many, but master of very few. Is this a bad thing? Not in and of itself, but it does bug me. You see I bounce around with no real direction. Not sure what I want to do or who I want to be. Not saying I don’t know who I am as a person, because I do more than ever, just what I should make of it.

Why does laziness factor into this, because I have a lot of wasted time. I think I get overwhelmed and rather than vent this constructively, I let it out by becoming a lazy lump. I will watch TV, play video games and do several other non-constructive forms of entertainment. Not bad, as there are many other vices that could be worse, but still not what I want to continue doing. Maybe it is a mind body thing. I am pretty chunky lately and way out of shape. If my mind did not have to keep compensating for all of this, maybe I could turn things around. If anyone knows a good entry level work out routine, please let me know. I also find that laziness is a big impact to my relationship and home life. Why take out the trash, when I could be beating the Ice Castle? Why clean up the living room, when I could watch another episode of Myth Busters? Sigh, why not do all of this stuff first and clear the table of stress and wife backlash, then read a book or write something?

On top of all of this, I procrastinate. I almost did not write this last sentence, because I could do it later. I am wearing a shirt my wife gave me. Written on it is:

Top ten reasons I procrastinate:

That is all. Funny, funny stuff! Lucky for me, my wife knows me and still loves me for who I am. More than that, she centers me. She always gets me to where I need to be. Whether it is through gentle persuasion or excessive use of force, she will bring me back down to earth. I love her so much, just for hanging in there.

Why am I bringing this up? Well, I will be losing my job I have had for the past seven years and it is time to move on. Will I get another job? Will I go back to school? Will I move to the country and become a Hill-Billy hippie? Who knows? These will all be things that will weigh heavily on my mind, going into next year, and neither laziness nor procrastination are going to be much help. Direction and clarity is what I need right now. What will I be going forward? Who knows, so just sit back and enjoy the ride?

Happy (Early) New Year!

- Dr. Worm


1 comment:

Me said...

That Ice Castle is calling your name again...

No worries dude, you are a Jack of all trades, you will land on your feet with cat-like dexterity. And if you don't, you know a certain someone that has a certain house, that has a certain extra room, and a certain affinity for ya, in a certain state...certainly!

Lots of love,
~ Me ~