Friday, May 27, 2005

TMBG Concert Update

Hurray!!! They Might Be Giants concert tickets are now available. I have my tickets, do you have yours? What are you waiting for? Join in the TMBG love fest, hippies.

Click Here for additional information.

- Dr. Worm

Friday, May 20, 2005

Star Wars Episode III Day

Wow, what a day. I was able to participate in a moment of geek history that will last throughout time. I saw the last installment of a cult dynasty. The cycle is now complete and my geeky life now has greater meaning.

The adventure began with me going to the Jordan Commons Movie Theater at about four PM on 5/18/05. Once there, I was greeted by Obi-John, my friend, who graciously supplied the tickets and set up this viewing. As I walked towards the building I was met by a multitude of nerds, geeks and dorks; unlike I have ever experienced before. It was like entering a whole new world. ‘Lipe had a great line about the galaxy of geeks, but I can’t remember how it goes. Hopefully he will post a comment with this great quote. He was also saying how this screening of Star Wars was like a shining beacon for all different types of nerds. As soon as he said that we saw a grown man, dressed in a Harry Potter outfit, walk by. It was kind of scary. There were other great moments like seeing the oldest Star Wars nerd, ever. The guy was like 60 something and dressed up in full Jedi outfit. We did not confront him to ask his age, because we were worried that he might be “special” in addition to being a nerd. I also had my picture taken with Chewbacca, well a great costume version of Chewbacca. I will post the picture when I get a chance. It was taken on my cell phone, so it is not that great.

The theater was packed. It was like watching the new clone armies assemble on Geonesis, but replace the clones with nerds. We waited in line FOR EVER. What seemed like an eternity? Dumas and I played some Canasta, in remembrance of the good old days. The highlight of the theater line experience was when one of the theater workers started telling everyone to unplug their electrical devices from the wall outlets. Yep, that tight wad, stingy Larry Miller was worried about losing too much money off the use of his electricity. What an ASS. He is probably making several millions of dollars off that nights showing alone and he is worried about losing money. Have you ever tried to pry an X-Box controller from a nerd’s hands? It isn’t pretty! The evil man actually made an appearance to our line, so he could enforce his will in person. This was great for-shadowing to what we would see from the Emperor in the movies.

Aside from coming to grips with the fact that I am a Star Wars nerd (no where near Obi-John who actually saw the movie twice before opening night), waiting in line for HOURS, seeing a grown man wearing a shirt that said, “Don’t force me to role initiative!”, Miller’s evil empire and having to stand in line next to hundreds of sweaty and loud Star Wars fanatics; it wasn’t so bad. So, how did I like the movie you ask? Well that will just have to wait until next time. Besides, I need to see the movie again, before I can write a full report. Until then; “May the force be with you!”

- Dr. Worm

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

A Disturbance In The Force

A wise alien being once said, “…anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering…”. Recent talk of Star Wars is leading me down the path of the dark side.

Let’s start by first saying “STAR WARS IS ONE DAMN STORY PEOPLE!!!” Whew, glad I got that out of my system. I just read an article that really, really pissed me off; worse than if I found out that my father was an evil Sith Lord. The article was comparing the original movies with the new prequels. Apparently this is a pretty heated debate between Star Wars true-ests and new generation Star Wars fans that started out with the Prequels. Why can’t we all get along people? If we would just pull our heads out and realize that Star Wars is ONE COMPLETE STORY, we would not be having these conversations. There is no Star Wars: The Beginning and Star Wars: The Next Generation, it is all the same story!!! Man, is there an echo in here.

Back to the article; this genius columnist is trying to compare characters in the first three movies to characters in the last three movies, to see which movie comes out on top. Stay calm, control your feelings…don’t give into anger. Does this sound wrong to anyone else? Let me give you an example: In the heroes column they list Luke Skywalker versus Anakin Skywalker. Let’s think about this for a second. Can we really call Anakin the hero of the prequel movies? An evil Sith Lord’s apprentice that ultimately ends up hunting down and killing Jedi, leading up to his own horrible self destruction and turn to the dark side? PLEASE, someone give me a galactic sedative. I can no longer stand reading this crap. Why are we comparing these things when they are all part of the same story people.

If this does not tell you the craptasticfullness of this article, take exhibit number two into consideration. Grand Moff Tarken versus Emperor Palpatine. I’m speechless…anyone else? To use an old cliché, “comparing apples to oranges”. I always thought that Palpatine was the villain in ALL the movies. Grand Moff is considered the villain for the original movies? Somebody help these poor people. Did someone force this guy, no pun intended, to write this article?

One Star Wars fan, if you can call him that, from this article said, “There is no personality in the new movies. The new movies, it seems that they are trying to win you over with fantastic special effects.” Did he even see the first three movies or learn anything about their making? Were they not about spectacular special effects, most would say “ground breaking” special effects? The intention of the original movies is the same as the movies today when it comes to this department. This guy’s age is listed as 39, so he was only 11 when the first movie even came out. The majority of the population thought Star Wars was a flop when it first came out and probably said the special effects were to overwhelming.

I could go on and on about how crappy this stupid debate over which set of three movies is better, but I won’t. I will bring balance to the force. I love these movies, yep that is plural meaning more than THREE, and will not taint the whole of the parts, because of a few things I didn’t like in one or two of the movies. Star Wars is an EPIC and should be taken as a whole; PERIOD, end of story.

- Dr. Worm

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


This is freaking awesome! I doubt I will be able buy one, but I can dream can’t I?

This is your chance to put your geek skills to the test and help a fellow geek out. I am trying to get a new computer, either through building one or just buying pre-assembled. I know all of you geeks out there are watching the market and using your geek skills for ultimate geekiness, so drop me a line. Let me know what deals our super buys you find. Just post comments to this post. It’s easy.


- Dr. Worm

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

My Evil Twin

Okay, I do not look like him, but I do share a lot in common with him. We are not the same age, but that aside, we do have a lot in common. He is not my brother, but I am related to him. He is my wife’s cousin and he is incredibly super awesome. Just being in his presence causes me to tremble in unworthiness. I had the chance to bask in his overwhelming awesomeness and absorb the sweet sounds of electric guitar that he graciously shared.

So what makes him my evil twin you ask? Well consider these commonalities if you will:
1. We both have an extreme fondness to the greatest band in the world, TMBG.
2. We both have the same favorite colors and know without a fraction of a doubt that they are the most incredible colors in the universe, Red and Black.
3. We are both geeks. Take exhibit A into your judgment. He built his computer from scratch. Yep, trademark sign of a geek.
4. We both have no shame or fear of embarrassment. This was recently displayed in a recent impromptu guitar performance. I am still laughing at his impersonation of the Diabetes Blues commercial. I am dying here.
5. We are both biological members of the Youngest Kid Syndrome (YKS) support group. This alone contributes to a huge amount of our similarity.
6. Finally, we both know without a shadow of a doubt that we are awesome. Yep, look at me and tremble in my awe-inspiring awesomeness.

Well that said; check My Evil Twin’s BLOG. I do have to point out that he has not updated his BLOG since the dinosaurs once walked the earth, round about circa sometime back in September. He is a very funny guy, and really should post more, build up his geek status and entertain the masses.

That is all for today.

- Dr. Worm

No Features For You!!!

Monday, May 02, 2005

Party Down

Another weekend has come and gone. This weekend was a very great weekend. I had a lot of fun. We had a huge birthday party for my wife’s grandmother and it was a big success. I also got to see members of my wife’s family that I have not met before or don’t get to see all the time, because they are in other states.

I had the opportunity to make a photo-slide show video for my wife’s grandmother and it worked out very well. I was told that I should pursue this professionally, which was a great compliment, and I will see what I can do to make this a reality. Maybe this is what I was destined to do when I grow up. We will see. I do want to thank everyone that provided photos, and encouragement, as I put the video together. I could not have done it without you. Anyone that did not provide me with your contact information, or anyone that would like to get a copy of the video to see my work, just e-mail me at the address at the top of the page.

I will be making more videos in the near future, after my house pursuing duties, and will try and complete the videos I long ago promised some of you. I apologize in advance for my flakiness, but vow to finish them as soon as possible.

Until next time, have a great week hippies.

- Dr. Worm

Check This Out: This person has way too much time on their hands.