Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Bed Bugs (Day Three)

You know that instinctual reaction that you get when someone mentions Head Lice, Leeches, Tics or any other fun parasite? Your skin begins to crawl, you get goose bumps all over and your mind plunges you into an indescribable paranoia. You itch all over and it never really stops until your mind is some how put at ease by finding out that you do not have any of these parasites. We have all been there; admit it. No one likes these things and as a result our brain goes into a panic state that is hard to put at ease. Well, welcome to my recent hell.

My work, which is a very, very big building, recently made it known on Friday that we have a Bed Bug infestation. Five, yes FIVE, cubicles were completely covered in the little buggers and it took about a week, reportedly, to reach this state. It was said that when the maintenance crew went to assess the situation, they were getting covered in them. Yep, you heard me correctly. Fortunately, I sit on the other side of the building from this main outbreak. This, by no means, has put any of my nerves at ease. I few bugs spotted here, a few there and a cube mate stating one crawled across her foot are a few of the things we have to deal with. Yeah, this could be peoples' minds playing tricks, or their own paranoia induced responses. The mind is a funny thing.

I will tell you right now, I better not get an infestation of these things in my house or cube. All of the above is serious. This is no lie. An old cube mate of mine got an outbreak of these in his apartment and it nearly drove him insane. They sprayed the building over the weekend, and reportedly last night. Will that fix the problem? Are they still wondering the building? They lay about 5 eggs a day, can go nearly 7 months without eating and can hide in any space that a credit card will fit. Exterminators have said that they, next to termites, are the most difficult pests to get rid of. That is just what I want to hear as I am trying to scratch my skin off.

When you think about how bad your job may be or you are just sick of work. Just think about that itch on the back of your leg. Is it just an itch? Things could be a lot worse.

Sleep tight hippies and don’t let the Bed Bugs bite.

- Dr. Worm

Drive your self crazy with this Bed Bug information: (Click Here).

Friday, June 22, 2007

The Silver State Claims One More

What is it about Nevada? Legalized gambling? Legalized prostitution (See Mr. Me’s BLOG for reference)? Lots of revenue from Gambling? Desert climate? Elevation? Proximity to CA? Driest state in the US (yep, look it up)? Silver mining? Why am I even asking these questions you say? Well, another of my best friends will be moving to Nevada. Okay, this is not the end of the world, but it is the combination of this recent move and the moves of two of my other best friends (one of which is also my cousin) that has made this more perplexing.

The reason my friend is going to be moving to Nevada is not a hard one to figure out. He has aspirations of being a professional poker player. This is not something you can do in Utah, for obvious reasons, so the move here is one of necessity. I cannot be mad at someone for this. I am happy that they are getting on with their life. I am just always thinking about me, because I am selfish like that.

Three very close friends living in Nevada, and some in other states. I am kind of running out of male friends and friends in general. I think this is just a by product of growing up. We are all busy with our own lives and families. I am not mad at anyone and am not asking for anyone to feel sorry for me. Everything happens for a reason. Some friends move on and others come in to fill the gaps. I have been in contact with several old friends, that I really did not think I would see or hear from again, so that helps.

More importantly, I have my own family. I am lucky enough to be married to my absolute best friend in the world and this is a great thing to have in a marriage. We look after each other and support each other. I would wish this upon everyone, even my enemies, as it is such a great thing. This is why I am glad that you are all moving on with your lives and your families. Those without families, maybe the moves will help you with that. Who knows. I certainly hope you all find happiness.

In summary, I miss you all and will continue miss you. I do think about you constantly, even if I don’t always pick up the phone, respond to an e-mail or reach out to you. I miss just hanging out and ‘chewing the fat’. The crazy and geeky conversations. Completing each others’ sentences and the insane laughter that can only be stirred up between close friends. I love you all and look forward to visiting you soon. I know I will always have a place to stay and great company to be with.

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

- Dr. Worm

I want one of these!!! So if you want an idea of something you can buy me (birthday, Chirstmas, just because), get me one of these. http://www.thinkgeek.com/caffeine/accessories/8e3a/ (if I don't buy one first)

Friday, June 08, 2007

Having a cold sucks!

Wow, what a great topic after going so long without posting anything. What is up with being sick? Why is it that microscopic organisms still rule over our advanced species. A cold virus can bring a man to his knees (okay, not that bad). Stupid cold!

We may not have found a way to concur this virus, but at least we have some great drugs! MMMMmmmmmmm, sweet life enhancing drugs. Before you think I am some sort of pill popping weird-o, let me assure you that I only use drugs when I am sick or in severe (very SEVERE) pain. My stomach is a very sensitive organ. Add any sort of strong medication and really bad things happen. I avoid taking any medication, unless I absolutely have to. We all remember that great scene from the alien movies. Yep, the one where the alien baby explodes out of that poor space guy’s gut. Well, my alien larva is still growing in there, waiting for its chance to rip my belly into pieces and I would rather not speed up the process. Enough about my belly and back to the drugs. It amazes me how we can drink a few tablespoons of some nasty liquid (and I mean nasty… settle down little alien baby) or a tiny little pill and go on working. It is not a perfect pill, but I can continue to work. The phlegm, mucus, body aches, sneezing and throat issues (too graphic? We have all been there so settle down) seem to melt away. I am a work-a-holic, as you can tell by the fact I am posting this on company time, and really hate to miss work. It is true. I have not taken a sick day in almost a year. If I can make it to September, without taking any sick time, it will be a whole year. Not really sure why this is so great, and my cube mate is quick to point out I should just go home, but take it for what it is worth. Well I will wrap this up by thanking all you drug, vitamin capsule, energy booster and remedy inventing guys out there for making my end of the week a little better. I love the simple things in life and when a simple little cold cannot stop me from going to work, life is sweet. I know, I know, I must be really crazy to say I am glad I did not miss any work, but give me a break, I’M SIIIIIICCCCCKKK!!!!

- Dr. Worm
