Friday, December 01, 2006

Attention Holiday shoppers! Hey hope your holiday shopping is going as well as mine has. I just purchased a new GPS and it rocks! I got lost driving around parking lots, but no more. I am hooked up and directionally competent, thanks to a tiny box with a screen and digital voice. Sometimes electronic devices are the only friends a guy can get, and this little guy does not disappoint.

In other news, I have been thinking about how crappy most chick flicks are. I think this is on my mind since my wife has been watching the Gilmore Girls way more than is healthy for a husband to be exposed to. I love my wife, and am glad she is happy watching it, but I am suffering from second hand exposure. It has gotten to the point, get ready to go into super mocking question Dr. Worm's manhood mode now; that I am actually concerned about what is happening in the plot line. Yep, please kill me now. This is how you know when you have reached rock bottom. The friggin’ Gilmore Girls. Please someone help me. This is not the good kind of guilty pleasure. This is the wash my brain out with soap kind of guilty pleasure. I do not, I repeat, DO NOT; watch this show on my own. If I did, I would have to hurt myself. I will go to a chick flick with my wife, because I love her and have a good time being with her. I also want her to be happy and not have to be exposed to all my geeky pleasures, all the time. They are pretty sappy and very cookie cutter. I just wish sometimes they would mix it up a bit, so I have composed a list of possible chick flick titles I would like to see in a theater near me. Hope you enjoy, and if I do not post again before the holidays, HAPPY FREAKIN' HOLIDAYS HIPPIES!!!

The list of NEW chick flicks:

We Met at a Train Wreck
I’m Dating Your Plumber.
The Vacuum Salesman and I
She Fixed My Motherboard
Awkward in Arkansas
Alone During an Autopsy
What About Your Mom
Your Friend Has More Money
The Lady From the Convent
Our Summer on Probation
He Was Still There When I Woke Up
Pretty Enough For a Second Date

- Dr. Worm

Your homework is to go look for some fun holiday flash sites, and report back to me. I may have some spare time to kill at work and will need something to do.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Who opened that box!?!

Hey, I was pointed to a cool site that I wanted to let all of you know about. I swear this thing can read my mind. Just put in your favorite band or song, and it creates a radio station with songs of the same type or interest. Pretty spot on so far.

Some new bands, well new to me, are as follows:
The Pogues
The Shins
Flogging Molly

I like them all, and you can check them out too! Just try out

Later hippies, and keep on rocking.

- Dr. Worm

This is cool stuff - Watch the space one!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

DR. WORM – Now with one-third less right index finger!!!


So there I was. Standing over the edge of a lava pit somewhere in the middle of Mount Doom. Clutched in my hand was the ONE ring. You know, the one I found in that homeless guys money hat. I had to have it, IT CAME TO ME! Anyway, I opened my fingers and looked at my prize, my PRECIOUS. I stared down into the fiery abyss before me. Sweat beading down my forehead, I began to hear the evil words, so loud they nearly drove me to madness, “Girl shake that laffy taffy…THAT LAFFY TAFFY!!!” I knew that this had to end now. The fate of all mankind hung in the balance. I rubbed the tiny trinket…so shiny…so precious…one more time, in fond farewell. Such good times we had. Spying on women dressing, tripping people as they walked down the street and pretending to haunt my friends houses. Ahhhh…such good timesessss…my precious…my precious… I slowly began to turn my hand. I had to let this terrible piece of forsaken metal, fall to its doom. Painstakingly slow, it began to slide from my palm, when something overtook me. Against all rational thought, I began to put the ring on my extended index finger. I could not control myself. I started walking away from the edge. “I want to live…I WANT TO LIVE”, I began repeating over and over. The ring had just slipped onto my right index finger, when the unthinkable happened. The homeless man, whom I had first stolen the ring from, bit off my finger. Fear and pain overwhelmed me. I screamed out in agony as I stared down at the bloody mess of a finger, that still remained. Then, anger overtook me. The kind of murderous anger you get when you look at your gas bill. I had to have it back. My precious!!! My body, happily complied, with my minds demand for the rending of flesh. With cat like dexterity, I kicked the dancing homeless guy in the face. His nose exploded in a fountain of blood that made me weak with relief. Now, I just had to get it back…my precious…but it was too late! Cruel fate, why do you mock me!?! The man had already walked blindly to the ledge, and slipped off. I franticly tried to save my secret lover, from impending destruction, but I could not. My outstretched hand missed the falling mass, and I watched as it fell to meet it’s fate. I was left all alone, except for the beautiful elf maiden I call my wife. Left there crying and bloody. “LAFFY TA…..” The never ending voice, was finally silenced. The world was saved, and evil had been vanquished.

Well, that is all. “A Dr Worm’s Tale,” by me, Dr Worm. This completes the story of how I lost the tip of my finger, and saved the world. (Well, it sounds a lot better than “I cut the tip of my finger off with a chop saw”, anyway.)

So long for now, until the next exciting adventure of…DR WORM!

- Dr. Worm

Please tell me this is a joke! - I fell so much better about myself.